The obscured dichotomy

"Your answers are what you are...Your questions are what you can be"

The above thought of mine made me try jotting down the mounds of queries and realisations that followed the thought. On peeling off through the layers of this mound I found that our answers are limited by us just the same way we are limited by our questions. Its actually a very subtle thought to realise, you should be patient enough to gulp it down. So bear with me in the upcoming monologue.

You see, most of us, round the clock try to search for answers; answers to petty questions, answers to some unsolved queries, answers to feed our angst; but the questions keep stuck to their throne like the way they always are, they stay there like a stubborn monarch who we have accepted as the absolute. We dont even realise and those questions create a concrete cage around us and gag our mind. We can no more see outside that cage now. And that cage, that Question becomes our universe. It actually happens to us. For instance, sometimes our job chores overwhelm us so much that we forget asking ourselves as to why are we slogging at the first place and should we continue further or not. We feel as if we are acting, but we are not. We are just reacting. Answers are the reactions that society taught us while questions are the actions that our subconscious does, that we do. This way, questions represent expansion and answers represent containment. This cage, has to be broken repeatedly. We should not search for answers but questions. Questions that direct our shoot to grow out of the cages. As one of my ideals, Elon Musk said "What really to understand the right questions to ask". This guy here, he...he just has this tendency to always keep asking the right questions, and focussing more on questions than on answers . He never got wounded around finding answers to grapple with the persisting technologies. Instead he always questioned the fundamentals, and always came up with disruptive economic and technological business models. He is the finest example of what asking and reconsidering your questions can do(be it the inception of SpaceX or The Boring Company).

People spend years fiddling around with their monotonous struggles, conquering their small daily repetitive questions, seeing the similar ones mushrooming. And all of it gradually becomes a routine. They try to perceive this cage as a shelter and finally they search for a refuge in it. But in reality, there is no such refuge, there is just this series of concentric cages, packed one into the other that we need to break through throughout. You see, its a journey, its not a destination that you have to reach safely. You have to expand your mind, you dont have to satisfy it. The moment we realise that our only limit is our imagination, we start performing alchemy.

Frankly speaking, we just have a speck of a lifetime with us to break through our cages. So I guess the goal should not be to find shelter in any one of these, but to break as many of them as  possible.
Thusly I would conclude by saying :

"Have a bird's eye view of life and thou shall always soar"


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